If you love to trade items or you are on the hunt for something you can no longer find in retail stores, heading to online swap meets may be the best thing to do. Online swap meets allow you to browse through a variety of different items for free. The great thing with online swap meets is that most of the sites offer free memberships to encourage more people to get online and start trading. If you are looking for a good online swap meet site, here is a brief review of some of the best online swap meet sites out there:
This is perhaps the most popular online swap meet site. When you log onto the site, you will see a listing of new items on your left. These “hot ads” were recently posted on the site. This is a great way to gain exposure if you want to post an item on their site. To post an ad, you need to create an account. The membership to their site is free, making it useful to anyone that would like to get rid of a few items instead of taking them to the dump.
One the right side of the home page, there is a listing of about fifty to seventy different categories. You can click on any of the categories to display the items that are currently available in your area or close to your area. If you don’t mind driving far to get the item, searching for it by category is a great way to find exactly what you need.
At the top of the home page, there is a search field. All you need to do is type in what you are searching for along with your state, city, and the category you are searching under. Using the search is easy because it will generate search results close to your area instead of all across the country. This makes it much easier to find what you need and to set up a time and location to meet the person that has listed the item.
Swoplot.com is another great online swap meet site. When you first click on the site, you will see a listing of all the different categories on the left side. This allows you to click on each category and browse through the different listings. However, it will pull up all the listings so if you are looking for a specific item that is close to your area, you will need to use the search feature to find it.
In the middle of the screen, Swoplot.com will post new or hot listings on their site. If you want to trade an item, this is where your item will be listed for a little while until new items are listed to the site. It’s a great way to gain exposure for your item. You can also create your own account and make a list of all the items you would like to find on the site. Swoplot.com will make this information available to other members so they can let you know if they have any items that meet the description you are looking for.
Here is another great online swap meet site. Swapmeetdave.com allows you to do all the same things as Swoplot.com and TradeAmericaOnline.com but this site also includes some extra things that may be interesting to you. On the right side of the home page, there is a column called “clean humor” and “funny pics and videos”. These columns are designed more like a blog or information site for it’s members to sit back and have a good time with. The left side of the page focuses more on swap meet stuff. There is a shopping directory you can browse through to find items you are seeking.
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Mike Edens