The following are some fun activity ideas for tweens:
1. Movies. During the summer, in the heat of the day, playing outside, and even sometimes going to the pool is just too hot of an activity, and then tweens end up inside complaining about being bored. A great way to combat that boredom is to take your tween to the movies. Many theaters do summer movie clubs where they play older movies on the big screen in the early afternoons or late mornings of the summer week days. The club is usually about $25 for 10 movies, one a week all summer. This is a great activity to keep tweens busy, doesn’t cost much, and can be done with family or friends.
2. Laser tag: If yoru tween has a good sized group of friends, one fun activity that will help them get some energy out, socialize, and just have a great time is to take them to a laser tag location. This is a fun activity with big or small groups, and is not very costly, especially if you can get a group discount or rate. Most laser tag locations give the kids a print out of their accuracy, kill score, and more, so your tween can spend the summer trying to improve their shot and having fun with their friends while they are at it. Additionally, there are both indoor and outdoor laser tag facilities, which means that kids can play day or evening, hot or cool.
Your tween is old enough to cook and bake.
3. Arcades and video gaming. A fun outing for tweens is arcades and video gaming. Whether they play MarioKart with friends at home, or go to the arcade and play Area 51 and Mrs. PacMan, your tween can spend hours playing video games. Just remember that not all video games are just for enjoyment, some are educational, teaching mathematics, science, etc. so help you child have fun and learn at the same time, all summer long.
4. Crafting. Tweens like being creative, for the most part, and creating something can be a great activity. Provide yoru tween with a fun craft project, whether it is painting, sewing, or decorating something, and let them spend their time expressing their creativity while making things for their room, their wardrobe, and their accessory collection.
5. Cooking or baking. Tweens should be developing new skills and learning more about what they like, and one skill that they will enjoy developing is learning to cook and to bake. Help them get recipes for things they want to try making, and give them a hand coming up with the ingredients. Then, let them bake all kinds of delicious pastries, etc. Let them surprise you with dinner for the family, or just have them practice making snacks and goodies for fun. Your taste buds will love it (hopefully). And so will your tween!