Most kids naturally have a great sense of humor. They love to laugh and play–much more than most of us adults do. In fact, if most of us had the sense of humor of our children we would be much better off. With all the problems of the world it can be very difficult to keep a positive attitude. Without a sense of humor the difficulties of the world can be too much for us. Because we know that it is very important to have a good sense of humor, we would like our children to also have a good sense of humor. Most of our kids have a better sense of humor than we do, but some of them don’t. Even if they do have a better sense of humor, we know that it would be a good thing for them to improve. It can be a difficult thing to change a person’s sense of humor. Can you make it grow like a plant by adding water and sun? No, however, you might be able to encourage some personality traits, such as a sense of humor. This can be done through a number of different methods.
Every child’s sense of humor is different.
First, realize that a child’s sense of humor might be a little different than your own. A child probably laughs at silly things. You also might laugh at silly things, but they are probably different things than the sort that your child laughs at. Recognize what makes your child laugh. Is it movies, games, meeting with friends, or all of these? Expose your child to the things that make them laugh. You might try jokes, such as the ones you find at Kids Jokes. A person who never sees anything funny will rarely laugh. A sense of humor is partly about the things we allow ourselves to experience and not just our personalities. Serious people only experience serious things. They don’t allow themselves to experience funny things.
Second, make sure that your child has an environment where worry or fear is not the primary emotion. A child feels fear in a very keen way. They worry obsessively about things that you or I might not think of twice. If your child is worried or serious all the time it might be because there is something in their life that is difficult and that needs attention.
Third, laugh with your children. Children learn just about everything from their parents. They learn to speak, walk, and eat in the ways that their parents teach them to. They observe closely how their parents respond to certain situations. If their parents are extremely serious they will probably be serious as well. A parent that laughs frequently shows a child that it is okay to respond to difficult situations with laughter. They show the importance of a good sense of humor and make it acceptable to use that sense of humor. Example can be one of the best ways to encourage a strong sense of humor.
Remember that there are lots of methods you can use to encourage a sense of humor in your child. These are only a few basic ideas among many. Brainstorm and think of the particular needs of your child. Experiment with different methods and see if one is better than another. While your child is not an experiment, improving their happiness can change their lives forever. Don’t doubt that you can make a real influence on your child’s development.
i am a serious person how can i have a good sense of humour? please help me