Being pregnant is not exactly easy; your body undergoes a lot of changes, and is frequently uncomfortable and in pain. You face problems such as constipation, nausea, sleep deprivation, and more. So, to help make pregnancy easier, more comfortable, and even enjoyable, as well as have a healthy baby and stay healthy yourself, consider the following pregnancy tips:
1. Take your vitamins: Your doctor will give you some prenatal vitamins. They may also give you prescriptions for more, make sure you take them. During the first few weeks, and even before you get pregnant it is most important. So, if you are planning the pregnancy, get on vitamins. Folic acid is especially important as it will help you avoid problems such as spina bifida, and other neurological and spine disorders. If you can’t keep them down during those first few nauseating weeks, just keep taking them. They will help your body stay healthy as well as that of the fetus.
2. Get your rest: It takes energy and work to grow a baby, and so you should not be burning the midnight oil, rather you should do your best to get to bed at a decent hour. Take naps during the day if you can and it won’t interfere with your nighttime sleep. Rest helps you stay healthy and happy during pregnancy.
Pregnancy brings on back pain.
3. Exercise: Exercise can be extremely beneficial during a pregnancy. Not only does it help you not over-gain, but it also helps strengthen the fetal heartbeat. Of course you do not want to get involved in vigorous exercise. You need to keep your heart rate lower than you would normally with exercise. Walking, light jogging, water aerobics, yoga, pilates, etc. all work well for pregnancy exercise. They will help you bounce back faster after your pregnancy as well.
4. Have regular Dr. visits: If there is a problem with you or your baby, your doctor can’t catch it if you do not have regular doctor visits and appointments. So, when you find out that you are pregnant, be sure to go in and get your initial ultrasound and doctor consultation. Then visit your doctor monthly until the last trimester, where you will want to start seeing them more regularly, such as every two weeks. The doctor will monitor your progress, your baby’s heartbeat, your growth, your blood and urine. They will be able to advise you if you are experiencing gestational diabetes, or if there is something irregular with your baby.
5. Eat right: You can avoid many of the cramps, constipation, etc. of pregnancy by eating right and getting plenty of water. Staying hydrated will help your limbs feel better, will help you avoid constipation, and help you to avoid stretch marks. Eating a diet rich in fiber will help you avoid the pains of constipation. Healthy, natural foods will give you and your baby a boost. It will help you have more energy, and gain the right amount of weight.
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