A kitchen is an area that is often filled with several gadgets and do-dads, and this often means clutter and disorganization. It is also very overwhelming to try and tackle clutter in the kitchen because there is usually so much of it, and so many places that need to be cleaned out and organized. The following is a great way to tackle the clutter in the kitchen:
Tackle clutter tip one: Decide what kitchen gadgets you actually use and need. Most people use about 20% of their kitchen items 80% of the time, and the other 80% only 20% of the time. This means you have a whole bunch of stuff that you are not using taking up space in your kitchen and adding clutter to your world. So, time to evaluate what you have and what you want to keep. Unless you have a really big kitchen with tons of cabinets, drawers, etc. you need to eliminate some of the stuff you have, or find a better way to store it so that it is not making your kitchen a cluttered mess. A great place to start is to go through the items you have and anything that is missing parts, lids, etc. toss. This usually means you are going to get rid of several containers that are missing lids or bottoms, pans missing lids, etc. Second, decide if there is anything you do not need. For example, you may decide that you do not need a cheese grater anymore because your mixer has a cheese grating attachment to it. Or you might not need a hand held citrus juicer anymore because you have an electric juicer.
Give everything a place and keep it there.
Tackle clutter tip two: Your kitchen is the most used room in your house. So, as you work to tackle clutter in your kitchen, empty your cabinets and drawers out, and then organize the things you use most frequently into groupings. Then put those things on the shelves that are easiest to reach, and in the cupboards that are closest to the areas where they will be used. For example, you would want to store your toaster next to where you store your bread. You would want to store your cups near the sink, or the fridge because that is where you get drinks. Use logical thinking as you de-clutter your kitchen to put things in the place that they will be the most useful and the easiest to get to. The things you do not use often should be on the highest shelves and in the hardest to reach cupboards.
Tackle clutter tip three: Give everything a place. If it does not have a designated place in your kitchen then it is not something you should keep because it means clutter. So, figure out what you have room for. If you can’t find room, but it is something you want to keep, then decide if there are items you use infrequently that you could store elsewhere, such as a turkey fryer, or a fondue set.
Tackle clutter tip four: Group like items together. If you have a million recipes on different shreds and scraps of paper, start a recipe notebook. If you have a million sippy cups and lids, keep them together. You will find that clutter eliminates itself if you give everything a place, keep like items together, and get rid of any junk that is cluttering up your kitchen.