No one starts the potty training process with the mentality that they would like to drag this on for months and months and in some cases years. Parents want to have their kids potty trained as fast as possible but are at a loss for ideas for how to do so. Not to worry, there are ways to speed up the potty training process but obviously that involves more work on the part of the parent doing the training. If you are willing to do what it takes to get your son or daughter potty trained fast, here are some suggestions:
Dedicate one hundred percent of your attention to the task at hand
Experts say that it takes about two weeks of intense daily training to successfully potty train your child. Two week sounds like no time at all, but you must dedicate one hundred percent of your attention to the task of potty training if you want to see quick results. Of course there will be some children who take to potty training naturally with little effort from parents, but for the majority of people two weeks is usually a minimum amount of time required to achieve long term learning.
Stay at home, if you must leave know where the bathrooms are
When you are potty training your child, do not frustrate him or her by taking them away from the bathroom that they are comfortable using to take long rides in the car or to visit places where they do not have immediate access to the restroom. You should avoid leaving your home for any length of time (unless it is right after a good potty visit, then you may have an hour or two). If you must run errands, make sure that you know exactly where the restrooms are and make sure that your also knows where the restrooms are.
Use videos, books and talk to keep potty training at the front of his/her mind
Experts suggest that there be multi-media stimulation when potty training. Get your child ready to potty train through educating them and then reinforce the things that they are now doing in the potty training process. Also, while your child is sitting on the potty waiting for something to happen have books there to keep her occupied and her thoughts on what it is she is trying to accomplish by sitting there.
Create visual stimulation and reminders. Be enthusiastic and creative.
Use charts, colors, arrows, step by step instructions through pictures, etc. Make the process fun for your child. This is a right of passage; your little one is now a big kid! Make it fun for him or her to go potty like a big kid. Help your child to develop good habits through song, poetry or repetition. Teach them the sequence of using the potty and practicing good hygiene. Make up a song where some of the lyrics include something like, "Pull down pants, lift lid, sit down, go potty, wipe, and wash hands! "
Keep in mind that there is no such thing as one right way to potty train your child. It is possible to work hard and employ every last one of these suggestions, plus some, and still not have your child achieve success while potty training. Do not get discouraged. Some children simply may not be ready to start potty training or simply may not respond to your efforts so much as their own inner motivation. Although achieving a speedy potty training is ideal, remember that your child id taking a very big developmental step and may simply need more time to catch on.