Moms love the Internet. Whether they use it to blog, to shop, or to network socially, more and more moms are spending hours a day online. Why is the Internet so addicting to moms around the globe?
1. It is an outlet.
For many moms the Internet acts as one of the best outlets for stress, and other things. In many cases when you have children you can’t easily get up and go out to do something when you are feeling bored, frustrated, or restless. The Internet is a portal into aspects of life that are often difficult with children. For example, you can shop for clothing without trying to keep your children quiet or well behaved while you are in the store. You can talk to friends with out your children screaming in the background making it impossible to hear the other end of the phone conversation. You can share photos, stories, and information even if you are doing it at two in the morning. The Internet allows moms to get things done on their time, and to have fun without necessarily spending money, or getting dressed and ready, or dragging the kids along. This is a powerful thing for mothers, especially moms of small children, or with several children. Thus, this outlet that lets you enjoy some you time without the inherent baggage that comes with going out with children, is very addicting.
Often browsing websites, online shopping, social sites, etc. are therapeutic for mom, so even if they do little productive online, it serves as an outlet for parenting stress.
Moms can escape the humdrum while surfing.
2. Adult interaction.
Many moms spend their entire day in the company of their children, and few others. If they do go out it is usually to the grocery store, or to a play group where they are surrounded by even more children, and moms talking about their children. When moms go online they often do it to get some interaction that is not with kids. While it is not the same interaction as face to face conversations, things like instant messaging, email, and even social networking sites allow moms to feel more like a person, and less like “mom”. It gives them a chance to be an adult, and to develop their identity outside of their children. It is a great way to interact with other adults, or at the very least, more adult topics.
3. Socializing.
One of the key reasons moms are addicted to the Internet is that it provides several opportunities for socializing that they just do not get because they are a mom. They can’t just go out at night and go to the bar, or to the club, or out with friends, as this requires sitters. However, going out with friends onto the Internet is very possible. This is why several moms use sites like Facebook, where they get to connect with their friends, swap stories, update one another on life, pictures, events, etc. The social aspect of the internet is a huge draw for mom’s who spend most of their time socializing with people whose favorite topics of conversation revolve around bodily functions and bugs.