Everyone loves games. They are great for socializing and for entertaining us. But what could be better than sitting inside all day playing chess? Perhaps playing a great game with a large group of people outside? As for me and my friends, the choice is clearly with playing outside. Outdoor games provide so many important benefits. They allow us to get out into nature and enjoy the sunlight. They help us to socialize and to exercise. Many people today lead very sedentary lifestyles. They sit inside at desks all day. This is fine if you can get outside for part of the time and enjoy the good weather. Studies have shown that people who stay inside away from natural light tend to be more depressed than those who get some sort of regular exposure to sunlight. Naturally you need to be careful and wear sunscreen when you go out in the sunlight. Another important element of outdoor games is the socialization they provide. You can get a large group of people together and help them have a great time through some healthy competition. Because outdoor games are particularly good for large groups, what are some of the best outdoor games for your next big get together? Here are a few great traditional ideas:
A large group of people can play most ball games.
1. Capture the flag. This is a game that can be played in a large area with many, many people. Each team has a flag and a particular area of the field that is theirs. The goal of the game is to capture the flag of the other team and bring it back to your side. When a player crosses into the territory of the other team they can be captured by being touched. Once they have been captured they are put in a small area called the jail. Players can be set free from the jail if a player from their team gets to the jail without being caught and yells out “free!” Never play this game at night or in a dangerous area. Many people have been injured playing capture the flag because they try to set up a crazy playing field. Keep things under control and play safe.
2. The Blob. This is a personal favorite of mine. The Blob is a game where the more players there are the better. One person agrees to be the Blob at the beginning. This person tries to touch the other players, just like in a normal game of tag. However, in the Blob when you touch someone you have to hold hands with the other players who are in the Blob. As the game progresses you end up with a large mass or line of players holding hands and trying to reach the few players that are still free. The situation becomes interesting because the large Blob cannot move very quickly but it is very large. If you have an extremely large group give this a try, although try to avoid collisions.
3. Football, baseball, soccer, and ultimate football. Although these games are extremely common they provide great exercise and a lot fun. This is partly the case because these games are so popular. People know how to play them and sometimes have more fun doing so as a result.
There are many, many good outdoor games for large groups. Don’t feel limited by the options mentioned here. Be creative and think up new games for large groups. The sky is the limit when it comes to large group games. Be safe and always prepare for an emergency. Good luck with your next large group game!
My favorite outdoor game is called the Human Rubberband. Basically four people run back and forth inside a giant rubber band! The game is a ton of fun to play and watch. Stretch Your Limits Today!
When I host parties, about once every six months, our children always play on our trampoline. They play catch and other light games, which is safe as we have a safety enclosure, and it keeps them occupied for ages. Isn’t it funny how the simplest of things remains so popular after generations.
I seem to remember playing the blob myself but we called it something different. We used to enjoy using parachutes for a lot of our old outdoor games. To be honest, I’ve been a scout helper for a few years and I think the fact that computer games are commonplace in every household these days, we have to be pretty creative to entertain children. Sad but true fact…
I do have some un satisfaction in their service but those are not something to be a big issue, i can always make a suggestion to the company