The following is a list of tips for non-toxic bathroom cleaning. Most traditional bathroom cleaners contain chlorine, bleach and harsh chemicals that can be quite toxic and cause skin irritation. The following suggestions include cleaning solutions to disinfect, deodorize and sanitize without using toxins.
Tip one: Use baking soda in place of harsh powder cleaners. It is great for tubs and tiles as it’s very useful for cleaning and eliminating stains, hard water scale and other dirt and debris build up. Wet down the area you want to clean then apply the baking soda and let it sit for a few minutes so that it can lift stains. IF you’re using it in a bath tub, wet the bath tub and walls down first using the shower then use a damp sponge to coat the surface and scrub it clean. When using it on the toilet, flush the toilet then sprinkle it on. Finally, soak the bowl with white vinegar then scrub it clean.
Tip two: Use white vinegar and water solutions for cleaning windows and mirrors. It is non-toxic and leaves a streak-free shine when you use wipe it off using a lint-free cloth. You just need equal parts water and white vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray it on glass surfaces or mirrors and wipe.
Tip three: Borax is a great non-toxic cleaner that you can use to scrub toilets, tubs and sinks. If you use it on the toilet, flush the toilet to wet the bowl first, then coat it with Borax. Let it sit overnight and, in the morning, scrub the bowl with your brush. Stains, grime and build up will wipe away easily and leave you with a deodorized, disinfected toilet bowl.
Tip four: A baking soda paste makes a great grout cleaner. The grout in the bathroom is often one of the dirtiest places in the house and it’s a breeding ground for bacteria which can lead to mildew growth. Keeping it clean means your bathroom is healthier and safer. Mix 4 tablespoons baking soda and 1 tablespoon of water, adding more to achieve your desired consistency. Then use an old toothbrush to scrub dirty grout. For particularly difficult grout, consider using an electric toothbrush as the extra power can be very helpful.
Tip five: Remove mildew with water and tea tree oil. Bathrooms are ideal places for mildew growth as they are typically moist and dark. Keep a spray bottle filled with homemade mildew killer in your bathroom so that you can spray any mildew when it starts to form and kill it immediately. A great mixture is one cup water and one drop of tea tree oil.
I use baking soda to scrub pretty much everything in the bathroom, especially soap scum from the tub. To keep the shower curtain clean and mold free, tho, I use the air-it-out shower hook. It’s basically a suction cup device that holds the shower curtain off of the tub siding, letting air circulate to prevent moisture and mold. is where I found it. Hope this helps!