Trying to find ways to save money? One of the easiest things you can do to save money is to start making your own lattes. Lattes are typically made with espresso, steamed milk, and frothed milk. Depending upon where you go to purchase a Latte, you can easily spend $5 or more a day. Add this up over a month and you are spending a good $50 or more on Lattes. The funny thing is, it really doesn’t cost that much money to make your own latte.
A lot of people don’t like to make their own lattes because they think you need to have an espresso machine in order to make them. While it does help to have an espresso machine, it isn’t absolutely necessary. Instead, consider a strongly brewed coffee or a French press to start off the latte. If you are concerned about the taste of your latte, you need to consider the coffee beans you are using to make it. If you opt for cheap coffee beans, your latte isn’t going to taste very good. Spare no expense when it comes to the coffee beans if you want your latte to taste right.
To prepare a latte, you need to first prepare the coffee beans. Instead of grinding up a bunch of beans, only grind up how many you need to prepare a cup for a latte. If you grind too many coffee beans, they end up losing their freshness and it will impact the taste of your latte. You also need to make sure you are using fresh coffee beans. You can taste the difference between coffee beans that have been in the freezer and fresh coffee beans.
Use a French press, espresso machine, or a coffee maker to prepare the coffee. The coffee is the foundation for your latte. Of course if you use anything besides an espresso machine, make sure you prepare strong coffee in order to get it as close as possible to the taste of an espresso.
Once the coffee has been prepared, you need to prepare the steamed milk. If you want the milk to foam well, consider using skim milk versus whole or even 1 or 2 percent milk. Of course if you have an espresso machine, you won’t need to worry about steaming your milk and getting the foam, the espresso machine will take care of this for you. To make a nice latte frost, steam the milk in a pan over a burner and use a whisk to create a froth. It’s a simple way to make your latte look professional and delicious.
After you have everything ready, all you need to do is assemble the latte. To make a professional latte, you need to combine 1/3rd espresso with 2/3rds steamed milk and a simple layer of foam or froth. The layer of froth will give your latte a professional look and it also looks more desirable to drink.
If you decide to add flavoring to your latte, you need to do this before you add the layer of froth or else it will lose the look of the latte. If you really want to make your latte look like it was created by a professional, shave a little bit of chocolate on top of the froth or consider adding a little bit of cinnamon to the froth. Always serve your latte in a large glass cup. The glass must be smaller than a bowl, but larger than a traditional coffee cup or mug.
If you are new to making your own lattes, you may find that it is strikingly similar to a cappuccino. The thing that sets a latte apart from a cappuccino is that there is more milk in the latte and the espresso is more diluted than the espresso in a cappuccino.
Is whisking the milk to make it froth? Doesn’t the froth subside after a bit?
ALso, aren’t there any ready made espresso capsules?